*Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post with California Strawberries, however all opinions, experiences and enjoyment of strawberries are completely my own!
Ready or not, the holiday season has arrived! I admit, I am placing myself into the not ready category at the moment, but what I am ready for are all the great things the holiday season brings, including time spent with family and friends, traditional holiday foods and (much needed!) time off from work to enjoy it all!
When it comes to the "holiday foods" part, let's face it, the typical options are not always the healthiest. Cookies, fudge, tamales, and drinks topped with whipped cream weaken my willpower to stick to healthy habits. With this in mind, I created a recipe that is light, healthy and looks gorgeous among the spread of decadent holiday foods. The star of this dish is one of my all-time favorite foods: STRAWBERRIES!🍓 I've roasted them (yes, roasted!), paired them with fresh, melted mozzarella cheese and placed them over sliced, toasted crusty bread. This dish is full of flavor and color and is, no doubt, delicious!
Strawberries not only bring a festive flair to your holiday table, they pair perfectly with both sweet and savory foods. They also happen to be packed with nutrition. Check out these healthy highlights:
Clinical research suggests that eating a serving of eight strawberries a day has been shown to promote heart health, brain health, assist with diabetes management and reduce the risk of certain cancers. (Source: California Strawberries)
Strawberries are naturally sweet yet low in sugar. One serving has less than half the sugar of an apple and half the calories of a banana.
A 2012 study published in Annals of Neurology indicated that eating strawberries more than twice a week appeared to slow cognitive decline by up to 2.5 years. Those flavonoids don't mess around!
To make my Roasted Balsamic Strawberry Toasts with Mozzarella appetizer for your upcoming holiday gathering, head over to Heart of Farmers for the recipe. Also, be sure to enter their wonderful holiday giveaway!! A $200 Amazon gift card AND adorable handmade Sur La Table strawberry ornaments? Oh yeah!
ENJOY and Seasons Greetings to all! 🍓🍴🎄
Celebrating #StrawberryHolidays with California Strawberries is the sweetest!
Wash strawberries right before you use them.
Vibrant, beautiful strawberries pair perfectly with both sweet and savory foods.
Add a little sweet....
...and a little savory!
Roasting strawberries that have been dressed with honey and balsamic reduction brings out a rich, sweet flavor. A must try!
Simmer good quality balsamic vinegar until you reach a syrup-like consistency. Delicious!
Roasted Balsamic Strawberry Toasts with Mozzarella for the holiday table win! Head over to Heart of Farmers for the recipe.