Originally posted September 20, 2013. Revised May 2015.
Sometimes I get so caught up with creating a blog post that highlights the health benefits of a recipe’s ingredients and features high quality photos and nutrition tid-bits, that I forget to bring more of myself and special moments in my life into the mix. A dear friend and close colleague of mine pointed out that I always tend to “share what’s good” in my life through my pictures and posts I share over social media (via my personal Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter accounts). That made me wonder…why am I not sharing more of these precious moments on my blog? Isn’t a blog supposed to be, well…personal? Some bloggers do a fantastic job of writing about their lives while keeping to the mission of their blog beautifully. My life is so tightly intertwined with my career, I think doing this should be easy, but sometimes it takes the words of a friend to nudge you in the direction you’ve been meaning to go in.
A blogging opportunity sponsored by Welch’s has prompted me to share a few special family moments with you. Thanks to Welch’s and their #ShareWhatsGood campaign, they’ve asked people to share special moments that occur every day with family, friends and loved ones…and that is exactly what brings me to this post. My pictures capture a few (of many) moments I’ve recently shared with my kids–who absolutely hold the key to my heart.
The leading photo is from our family vacation to Southern California this summer. We always take road trips in the summertime and the goal is simply be together and have fun. We laugh, we talk and we create memories that will last a lifetime. This photo was taken at a restaurant my son chose to eat at. It was his birthday. The waitress handed him a hula hoop that he swung around his waist while we all sang the happy birthday song to him. The next day we spent the whole day on the beach, played in the sun, sand and water. No telephones, no video games. It was just us…having fun. Simple moments together create memories for a lifetime.
Enjoying a healthy breakfast.
The photo above captures a more common occurrence in our home: mealtime. Here is my daughter with her slice of whole wheat bread with grape jelly–a favorite in our home! My son was also sitting at the table, but he wasn’t too crazy about me snapping photos of him while he was eating!
The family table is where we not only share our meals as a family, we share our stories, we talk about our day, we laugh and learn a little bit more about each other every time we gather here. Our kitchen table is the hub of our household! So much happens here…from homework, to kid’s crafts, to eating. I value our moments at this table because of the simple fact that we’re together. Mealtime is the most consistent time we spend together as a family, and even though my husband may not always be able to join us for breakfast, we always eat dinner together. I cherish this time with my family and I know my husband and my children do, too.
If you think about it, sharing what’s good is easy…we should all do it more often. I know I will.
Sharing what is good...and good to eat with Welch's.
*Sponsored post. I received product samples and gift cards from Welch's.